

It all started when…

Next Level Hockey Training was formed in 2009 and is owned and run by Jack and Jason Fredricks. It is the result of the evolution of the Eagle River Hockey School over the past 20 years. Back in the late 1990s a group of parents of talented, avid, youth hockey players were striving to find the best way to help their skaters develop. After several years of traveling all over North America searching for the right hockey school, they found it and brought it back to Eagle River. Although the program was still known as the Eagle River Hockey School, the on-ice instruction was being run by the Northern Freeze out of the Toronto area. Jason was one of their students from the start here in Eagle River, and Jack coordinated the program for the local youth hockey organization, ERRA.

Jason soon progressed as a player and was brought onto the Northern Freeze staff where he excelled as an instructor and progressed to a lead instructor in 2007. When the Northern Freeze could no longer continue to run 5 weeks of camp in Eagle River in the summer, Jack and Jason formed Next Level Hockey Training and continued running the Eagle River Hockey School for the Eagle River Recreation Association.

Through the years the program continued to expand and become more popular. The program was expanded to 6 weeks and has been sold out every week since 2013 with most programs selling out 6 months in advanced and players from across the country attending.  In 2015, the fall clinics were added to the program and are now run in Eagle River, Mosinee, and Sheboygan each fall.

Looking forward, we hope to continue to expand our offerings to provide more opportunities for players in an expanded geographical area. Feel free to contact us about bring our program to your arena.